Get off to a successful start - advance your career with our strong, interdisciplinary and international network of intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs.

Take part in our diverse education and networking offerings. From leadership workshops to founder meetups to joint team building, there is something for every member.


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« The Alumni Association is the "More" in "Manage and More". With highly qualified, well-positioned and community-oriented members, the association offers extremely high potential for people who want to make a difference.. »

Zièd Bahrouni - Co-Founder & CEO @Motius, Founder & GP @Spacewalk VC

« Manage and More was my ticket to the startup world. Through the network I met my co-founder and many other interesting people. »

Patrick Esslinger - Co-Founder & Managing Director @VUI.Agency

« The goal is not the summit, but the way there with my companions. During Manage and More as well as on the job, they have always helped me to pursue my goal and solve problems. It's the opinions of people who come from a completely different field that make the difference here. »

Veronika Matthess - Managing Director @EVM Investment 

Are you interested in organizing an event with us?

The network lives from your and our commitment. Contribute with your ideas or your time for the further development of the association!

We are also always looking for cooperation partners for our training events. Do you have the right offer for us? We are looking forward to hearing from you!